This week we learned that God gives us good friends. In the Bible, God gave David a good friend named Jonathan. They shared with each other and helped with each other.
To illustrate David and Jonathan sharing with each other, we made heart necklaces to share with each other. We also learned a new song called "Together" which had lots of actions to it - marching, hopping, swimming, and flying!
At the Prayer Spot, we prayed for Tripp because is in the hospital after an accident during the storm. By praying for Tripp, the kids learned that friends pray for each other.
The memory verse for November is Ecclesiastes 4:9:"Two people are better than one, they can help each other in everything they do." We began learning it with motions this week. If you'd like to practice at home, you can find the verse with motions on the left bar of the Parents' Page under the November 2012 Memory Verse heading.
Don't forget to bring your canned/boxed goods for Feed the Turkey!!
See you next week!
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