Thursday, November 29, 2012

God Made Me To Worship Him

This week, we continued our lesson on David and how his life illustrates that God gives us good friends. Our memory verse for this month has been Ecclesiastes 4:9 - "Two people are better than one. They can help each other in everything they do." We looked at the fact that God made us to praise Him. In 2 Samuel 6:5,14 and Psalm 149:1-5 we saw that David praised God. He played his harp and sang and danced!

We made guitars, filled Easter eggs with beans to make maracas, and played our instruments during worship!! It is really fun to make music for God while you worship Him!! 
If you would like to make some instruments for worship at home, check out these websites:

 We also sent home a project for Countdown Till Christmas. If you have not received one yet they will be available in the classroom again this Sunday (December 2nd)!

See you Sunday!!!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Friends Help Each Other

On November 18th, we continued in the life of David. In the Bible story (found in 1 Samuel 20:14-17 and 2 Samuel 9:1-13), David helped Jonathan's son, Mephibosheth. 

We found canned goods hidden around the room and placed them into our Turkey box that we've been collecting food in for Feed the Turkey. God wants friends to help each other because two are better than one. 
We also talked about Thanksgiving coming up and about what we are thankful for. We had fun hammering golf tees into a pumpkin with one another while we each said something that we are thankful for. 
For snack, we had a preschool feast! We had mashed potatoes, green beans, turkey, and a yummy cookie for dessert! 

We hope that you all had a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving and we will see you next week!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Two Are Better Than One

This week we continued to learn that two are better than one. Friends are great to have and they help each other feel better when they are sad. One thing that we can do to make our friends feel better is pray with them. We talked about how sad David and Jonathan were when they had to leave each other, but they were thankful that they got to be close friends.

For the first part of class, the kids just spent some time together playing and being friends. They played cars, found stones and soldiers in the sand, and made play sandwiches. We also made friendship bracelets!

If you'd like to continue the fun of friends at home, here are a few ideas:

Make Hands of Friendship out of construction paper and hang them somewhere cool!

Read The Rainbow Fish and color your very own Rainbow Fish!

Don't forget to bring in your canned/boxed goods for Feed the Turkey!!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

God Gives Us Good Friends

This week we learned that God gives us good friends. In the Bible, God gave David a good friend named Jonathan. They shared with each other and helped with each other.
To illustrate David and Jonathan sharing with each other, we made heart necklaces to share with each other. We also learned a new song called "Together" which had lots of actions to it - marching, hopping, swimming, and flying!

At the Prayer Spot, we prayed for Tripp because is in the hospital after an accident during the storm. By praying for Tripp, the kids learned that friends pray for each other.

The memory verse for November is Ecclesiastes 4:9:"Two people are better than one, they can help each other in everything they do." We began learning it with motions this week. If you'd like to practice at home, you can find the verse with motions on the left bar of the Parents' Page under the November 2012 Memory Verse heading.
Don't forget to bring your canned/boxed goods for Feed the Turkey!!
See you next week!