Monday, July 9, 2012

Day 6: God Created Animals

Throughout July, our preschool class is celebrating all of God's creation!  We know that "God makes good things" and this week we learned that on the sixth day of creation, God made the animals.  Our memory verse is:

"God saw all that He had made and it was very good!" Genesis 1:31

The class had a visitor, too!

God made the animals!

Here are a few things you can do this week with your preschooler to talk about God's creation of animals this week:

-Muddy creatures: mix up a little mud in the bottom of a dishpan and add plastic animals and talk about which animals like to live and play in the mud.

-While eating dinner, talk about what foods the animals eat.

- Gather wet or dry sand and make animal prints using forks, cotton balls, twigs, etc.  You can find pictures of animal tracks on the internet or in books at the library.

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