Sunday, March 16, 2014

Jesus Does Amazing Things!

As our Explorers are continuing to learn about what amazing things Jesus did, today they learned about the time that He turned water into "Super Fancy Party Drink"!  How fun!  They had a great time, as you can see by the pictures below!

Be sure to check out our Momentum Kids Facebook page and get signed up for
the first "team play" of Momentum March Madness!
If you will provide us your email, we will "gift" you the Parent Cue App for smartphones so that you can continue the conversation about Sunday's lesson all week at home! 
Details on the FB page or at

Sunday, March 2, 2014

March in Explorers!

During the month of March, we want our preschoolers to feel that same amazement, that wonder and awe, that only Jesus can bring.  Jesus came to do amazing things, and He did them.  They'll hear about how the people in the temple were amazed by the questions a 12-year-old boy was asking.  They'll hear of the awesome experience that was Jesus baptism when God spoke from the heavens.  They'll watch in awe as Jesus turns water to "super fancy drink" at a wedding.

In addition, our preschoolers will learn that Jesus invited some special friends to go on His amazing journey with Him.  They'll hear how these men left their jobs to follow their savior and watch Him do amazing things.  Finally they will learn that Jesus taught us how to pray.  We can talk to our Father in heaven any time, anywhere, about anything.  Now that IS amazing.  What a gift!!

From today: