Saturday, December 14, 2013

God Loves Us Because He Gave Us Jesus

Last Sunday, we had so much fun discovering the wonder of Christmas with the birth of Jesus. The class students had fun placing baby Jesus in the manger on a pillow and toy animals kept Him company.

Addie has been teaching us a new Christmas song and Sam helped her lead it. The preschoolers are discovering the real meaning of Christmas. God loves us because he gave us Jesus!

See you on Sunday!

Christmas Time For Momentum Kids

It's starting to look like Christmas at Momentum Kids!!!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

God Is With Us and We Are Thankful

This Sunday, we made some new friends with some fuzzy lions and learned that God is always with us - even when we are afraid and things are hard. 

We celebrated Thanksgiving by making special Thankful placemats. 

To help us remember our verse, we recited it loud, and then soft, and then slow! 

During our prayer spot time, we thanked God for the many wonderful things in our lives.

We hope that you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and we look forward to seeing you on Sunday!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

God Is There For Us

In our lesson we learned about Ruth, Naomi & Boaz.

Ruth was there for Naomi when she needed her.

Boaz was there to let them get grains.

Best of all, God was there for them all just as he is for us every where we go!

We had three students recite their Memory Verse in class - Autumn, Samantha & Amelia. Awesome job girls!!!

See you all next Sunday!!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

We Can Do Super Things With God

This week, Preschool kicked off their Super Kid series. All the kids got capes and a Super Kids book to read at home that goes right along with all the lessons of the month. 

We are learning that we can do Super things with God!  We looked at the story of Elijah who prayed and asked God to send fire from Heaven. God did just that and everyone knew that Elijah's God was the only real God!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

God Had a Plan for Joseph in Jail

This week, we learned that God had a plan for Joseph, even while he was in jail.  The men who served Pharaoh told him about Joseph and how he could interpret dreams.  Pharaoh called for Joseph, told him his dream, and heard how God revealed to Joseph about the upcoming famine.  If Joseph hadn't been in jail, he wouldn't have met the men, wouldn't have told Pharaoh about the famine and many people would have died.  God has a plan for us, too.  Especially when we don't understand why things are happening like they are, we can know that God has a plan!

Be sure to watch Facebook for resources for parents all week long.  Sneak peek:  Monday's resource: this video that the preschoolers saw about God's plan for Joseph, and me!

See you next week!!

Monday, September 16, 2013

God's Plan May Be Hard

This Sunday, we continued the theme that God has a Plan For Me.  We looked at the time in Joseph's life when someone told lies about him, and he was put in jail.  Joseph could have gotten mad; it was hard being in jail.  But he remembered that God had a plan for him and he trusted God.  And God's plan was best!

Sometimes, God's plan for us may be hard, too.  We may have to share our toys, move to a new school or tell the truth when it's difficult.  But God has a plan for us, too.  And, just like with Joseph, God's plan is best! We can pray and ask God to help us go along with His plan.

To help us understand this point, we had a great time playing in a jail made out of crete paper and making a mini book of the story.

Come back next week to see if Joseph stays in jail!!

Monday, September 9, 2013

We Can Be a Big Fan of God's Plan

This week's lesson was about Joseph being sold by his brothers to the slave traders going to Egypt.  Even though Joseph must have been sad to be so far away from his home and family, he knew that God had a plan for him, so he made up his mind to always depend on God.  God used all the people in Joseph's family to help make His plan work out!  We can always trust God and his plan for us, even when it seems like it's not going well!  We can be a "big fan of God's plan"!

Parents! You can watch the same video from this Sunday's lesson that your child watched on Sunday. It will be posted on the Momentum Kidds Facebook page (a free link). Also, you can watch through the app available on Android and iPhone. The app is a one-time $1.99, and you will be able to view both the elementary and preschool app.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

God Knows What's Best for Us

The preschool theme for this month is "This or That".  This week's lesson was on Jonah.  His choice was to go obey God and go to Nineveh (which was far away and the people were mean) or he could get on a boat going the other way.  Even though Jonah made the wrong choice, and disobeyed God, when he was thrown out of the boat, God saved him by sending a big fish.  It swallowed him right up.  Now Jonah obeyed God and he learned that God knows what's best for us!  When we have a choice to make, to obey or not, we can think " Would God want me to do "this" or "that", and then do it!  Because He knows what's best for me, too!

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

God Helped Gideon

This Sunday, the preschoolers continued to learn that God will do what He says he will do. Gideon didn't have the power to defeat the enemy but when he looked to God, He gave him a plan for victory. Even though he was outnumbered and God had him doing something that seemed so silly, putting fire under a pot, then smashing it and blowing a horn, God did what He said He would do, and He made the enemy attack themselves, so Gideon's army didn't even have to fight. God does the strangest things sometimes, but it just means He gets all the credit.

We had a great time making torches and reviewing the story. For our last Sunday of the summer, we went outside and had popsicles which resembled a torch. It was a cool treat on a hot day. We played instruments to the song "The Lord's Army. If you want to have some fun with this story at home this weekend, play flash light tag in your house or yard and pretend that your flash light is a torch.

It was also a little sad because we were saying goodbye to kids we have had for the last 3 years, but we are EXCITED to see them grow in the Lord in Mrs. Barbara's class. It has been a good summer in preschool learning all about Noah and creation. Now we pray that God would prepare our hearts for a new school year with new investigations for preschoolers on how He loves them.

Don't forget about Family Focus Night which will be on Saturday, August 3rd at 6PM. It will be a really fun and informative night, and you'll also get to see this year's promotions for kids going up to the next class! RSVP on the Momentum Facebook page or to

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

God Does What He Says He Will Do

This week our lesson was on Gideon and how he was just a farmer but God helped him lead an army. We covered the first part of this story about God telling Gideon he had too many soldiers, that God would be the one to win the battle for Gideon, so he didn't need all those men.

This month's bottom line is " God does what He says He will do."

Our memory verse is :  "Trust the Lord with all your heart." Proverbs 3:5

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

God Made US!

We had a GREAT month of discovering what God created. The preschoolers learned this past Sunday that God created them.

We had a picnic outside.

We made chalk drawings to show that each one of us is unique.
And, we made some cool crafts!

It was a blast! Have an awesome week, and we will see you on Sunday!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Fathers Day - God Made the Flowers, Land, and Trees

This Sunday, we celebrated our Fathers and learned that God made the flowers, land, and trees.

We examined all kinds of seeds, played in the sand, and planted flowers.

We made trees out of paper and decorated them.

We also played in the water and sand to remind us that God made everything.

We practiced our verse (Genesis 1:1) and sang our song about God's creation - "God Made Everything." Two of our friends recited the verse from memory and got to put a sticker on their Arc!

In addition, since it was Father's Day, we made crafts to tell our dads how much we love and appreciate them. We made gift bags to look like a shirt and tie and inside we put a tool and candy bars.

This week, take a walk on a trail with your child and see all the different kinds of trees. See if you can find their seeds! Eat watermelon and find the seeds! Watch the mail this month for tissue paper tree craft to do with your child.

See you on Sunday!!

God Made the Sun, Moon, and Stars

On June 9th, we learned about day 4 of creation - the day that God created the Sun, Moon, and Stars. We learned that the sun and the moon provide light for us to see on earth. We also talked about trying to count how many stars are in the sky. God made so many that it would be IMPOSSIBLE to count them all!!

We used flashlights to find stars on the ceiling and made a craft where we colored the moon and sun.

Our memory verse for this month is Genesis 1:1 - "God created the Heavens and the Earth." We practiced it, and 2 of our friends recited it for an extra sticker on their arc!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

God Created Water

This Sunday, we learned that God made the water in Genesis 1:6-10. To help us think about the water, we played with the water tables and danced to "Singing in the Rain" song by Gene Kelly while squirt guns where raining down on us. We jumped on blue paper puddles while listening to our song "God made Everything" and when the music stopped we said our verse. If you want to continue the fun this week, enjoy God's creation of water with your child. Whether it be in the pool, the sprinkler, the bath tub, or even the dish water, do something fun in the water this week and remember that God made the water.

You can watch the video that we watched on Sunday here:

Also, check out this awesome article on Keeping the wonder in our lives and our kids:

See you next Sunday!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Helping Hands

The theme in Preschool for the month of May is that we can help others. On May 5th, we learned in Acts 2:42-47 that the early church helped each other. Back then, church didn't have walls and a ceiling like ours does now. Church just happened when Jesus' friends got together to remember all of the things that He did and the things that He told them. One of the most important things that Jesus talked about was that we are supposed to LOVE God and LOVE others. One of the best ways that we can love others is by helping them. So, in that early church, when someone in the church needed help, everyone got together and helped! They took food to the hungry and did all sorts of wonderful things for their friends at church.

Then, this past week, we learned from 2 Kings 4:8-17 about Elisha's Room. We learned to do what we can to help. Elisha was a good friend of God and he walked ALL over telling others about God. One day he visited a village where a rich woman lived. She invited him in for a meal, and it became a custom that when he was in town, he could stop there and eat. She and her husband even built him a special room upstairs in their house so that he would always have a comfortable place to stay when he was in town. This woman did whatever she could to help Elisha. God loves it when we show love by helping others.

Parents! Be sure to download the Parent Cue app for your iPhone or Android devices! This awesome app allows you to hear the song and watch the video that your child saw on Sunday!!

We will see you on SUNDAY!! :)

Monday, April 8, 2013

Photos from Easter Egg Hunt

Hello parents! Here are some photos from our Easter Egg hunt on Easter Sunday!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Jesus Can Help Our Friends

This week we learned that Jesus can help our friends and we learned about the four friends in Mark 2:1-12. We made friendship bracelets and had LOTS of fun building together with blocks, lincoln legos, and foam puzzle pieces. We also talked all about our friends and what we like to do with our friends.

Just like the man's friends lowered him down on a blanket to Jesus, we took a swim towel and pretended that it was the mat. We took turns laying on the mat and the volunteers carrying them around the room.

We also went over last week's lesson about Jesus healing the blind man while we looked through the beans to find googly eyes.

Have a GREAT week, and we will see you on Sunday!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

God Can Heal Us

March 8th, we learned that God helps us. He can heal us like He did with the blind man. We looked for googly eyes in the beans, and we looked in the mirror to see what eye color we all had. The kids made funny faces in the playdough with googly eyes.

We sang "I Am a Friend of God" with all of the sign language motions. We may just have some little worship leaders in the making!!

As always, we repeated our 3 main truths: God made me, God loves me, and Jesus wants to be my friend forever. Ask your child if they can remember the motions!

We found the prayer spot and prayed at it and said the memory verse with our eyes closed so that we could wonder what it was like for the blind man.

Most of all, we laughed and giggled and had a great time with Jesus. Ask your child what Jesus is making in heaven for them.

Thursday, February 28, 2013


This week, our Bible story was about Zaccheus.  He was not doing what was right because he was taking from other people.  One day, Zaccheus heard Jesus was coming to town.  Zaccheus tried to see Jesus but he was too short to see over the crowd. So, he climbed into a sycamore tree.  Zaccheus saw Jesus and Jesus saw him in the tree.  He told Zaccheus to come down because he wanted to go visit Zaccheus's house.  After Jesus spent time with Zaccheus, Zaccheus learned to do the right thing.

We sang our song: "Deep and Wide" about how deep and wide God's love is for us.  Then we sang a song about Zaccheus.

Our verse is Ephesians 3:18, and we practiced saying our verse quietly and loudly.

For craft time, we colored a picture of Zaccheus in the tree.  We used pieces if green tissue paper to glue on the trees like leaves.

Have a great week, and we will see you on Sunday!